Our Progress
We have made good progress with our opening sequence. So far we have decide which clips we want to use and the order the clips are in.
We have used clips of Charlotte walking, this is supposed to look like it is through the stalkers eyes and we believe we have achieved this.
We also have used clips of the vinyl playing the record "Love Me Tender" by Elvis, these clips will have the credits written over the top. The vinyl shots that Molly made are really well shot. She has shot the vinyl from different angles and the group agreed that they are quality.
We have included clips of newspapers with particular words cut out such as: "deaths", "emotional goodbye" and "blood", these relate to the murders the stalker has committed. We have also used props in these clips such as a pair of shoes and scissors, we have zoomed in on these props and sometimes this makes the shots unclear, this was the effect we aimed to achieve. The lighting in this shot is not very good, it makes the shot dim and shadowy, however, we thought this effect worked well.
We have a shot of a car driving. This clip is there to confuse the viewer and make them ask questions. We are thinking about changing the colour of this clip and make it black and white.
We took pictures and covered a wall with them and made several different panning shots of these pictures. Firstly the pictures didn't have scribbled out faces, then we put different clips in between these clips then towards the end of the of the opening sequence the faces get scribbled out as the sequence progresses. This shows who the stalker has killed or is going to killed.
The group also loved Davids shots of the photos and how he made them flicker as more pictures were added to the wall. He did this by making still shots of the wall then stopped filming then added more pictures to the wall then made more still shots of it. We sped up these clips, as it took up to much time , and some of the clips were too long. We then slowed it down at the end and focused on a picture of Charlotte.
We also had clips of a mug, with writing underneath the mug. This shows how much the stalker loves Laura, the girl who Charlotte plays. We also have ink dripping onto the page for an eerie effect.
Clip 1: Shot of man's hand putting needle on vinyl and the song begins.
Clip 2: Panning of photos.
Clip 3: Zooming out on the word "Deaths", this is a newspaper shot.
Clip 4: Panning of mug and writing that the stalker has made.
Clip 5: Vinyl.
Clip 6: Zooming out on scissors, newspaper shot.
Clip 7: Charlotte walking, filmed behind a tree.
Clip 8: Ink dropping on paper.
Clip 9: Vinyl
Clip 10: Panning of pictures, closer shot than before.
Clip 11: Car driving past.
Clip 12: Zoomed in on one picture, two faces get scribbled out.
Clip 13: Vinyl
Clip 14: Zooming out on pictures and every one's face except Charlotte's are scribbled out.
Clip 15: Zooms in on a picture of Charlotte, dims towards the end.
Clip 16: Vinyl
Clip 17: Pictures begin to be put on the wall.
Clip 18: More pictures are added to the wall, begins to speed up.
Clip 19: More pictures are added to wall, faster than the shots before.
Clip 20: Zooming in on shoes, Newspaper shot.
Clip 21: Vinyl
Clip 22: More pictures added to the wall, speeds up.
Clip 23: More pictures added to the wall, speeds up.
Clip 24: More pictures added to the wall, speeds up.
Clip 25: More pictures added to the wall, speeds up.
Clip 26: More pictures added to the wall, speeds up.
Clip 27: More pictures added to the wall, speeds up.
Clip 28: More pictures added to the wall, speeds up. Zooms in on Charlotte.
Clip 29: Vinyl
Clip 30: Zooms in on Charlotte.
Clip 31: Vinyl. Man's hand taking needle off, songs ends.
Labels: From the greatest group in the whole wide we will be unbeaten and win blog of the week HINT HINT
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