This is our animatic for the Thriller incorprating our preliminry ideas on what images will be within the opening scene, and the time they are on screen for.
The opening scene of our thriller is to introduce the main themes of the film and introduce the protaganist, and her life, while keeping the antagonist in the shadows. As with all good thrillers, the antagonist is always there, something your always aware of, but, just as in jaws, if you keep the threat in mystery, it can become a lot more intimidating when its an idea, rather than a rubber model...
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We had a few different ideas. The first idea we had was about filming on a train and on the tube. We thought that a train would be effective as there is no escape and no way to get away. However, this would be difficult to film, and we would have to limit what we shot. There may interruptions from the public which would disrupt our filming.
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Work that we liked...
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