Thursday, 13 March 2008

Some feedback on the feedback of our project that we made after initial feedback.

For my final blog i would like to bring up the points made by my fellow classmates regarding our final cut of the thriller project.
FIRST THINGS FIRST cinematography we got immense feedback on the vinyl shots; which was expected (by Paul at least..., and then its still only down to interpretation).YEAH!!!!!! However a few people were a tad confused we apologise for any disconcerting effects this may have had upon the audience. The clips that were confusing was the car scene which was supposed to add a confusing element to our project. so basically thats all good. We also had good feed back of the clips that show the photos going onto the wall.

Apparently not enough tension was created which to some extent i do agree with i believe that some of our shots were drawn out too long. How ever we ran out of time to really do any thing about that but psssh.

From Paul's subtle and overwhelmingly immense evaluation of our cinematography to my evaluation of our evaluations on editing. We asked the kind audience what they thought
what the thought of the pace. Generally it was considered that it was quite slow, which, in comparison to the music is what we were aiming for. However, we had intended to try and get the white board picture build up scene to perhaps be faster,to build up more of a feeling of thee pace, determination and obsession of the man stalking the victim. We also asked the viewers to kindly to comment on the transitions, of which reactions were generally positive, and it was shown to be a good choice that we used transitions sparingly.

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Friday, 7 March 2008


We added transitions to our final cut in between some of the shot to make our opening sequence run smoother and overall look much better. Most of the transitions that we put into our opening sequence were either going into or coming out of the vinyl shots. Most of the transitions we used were fades or dissolves, we believe these were the best transitions to use as they made the change between shots more gradual and made the sequence flow.

We thought that they worked best near these shots because they were so different to the rest of the clips, this may be because of the light change. Sometimes this light change made the clip change more obvious and it was not up to our high standards and it did not look of a good quality. For example, some of the shots we had had very dim and faded light and this didn't look right next to the vinyl shots as they had very bright light in comparison.

We turned some of the clips that were featured in our opening sequence black and white. This is because as a group we felt it made them look a whole lot better and more professional. We made the shots of the mug and writing black and white, as we thought the mug was brightly coloured and didn't look very nerve racking and it gave off a completely different atmosphere and effect which we did not like. We also turned the clip of Charlotte walking and the clip of the car driving past black and white, this was because they looked better and more thriller like, we also blurred these shot to make them slightly more unclear, we thought this worked well as it was a thriller.

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Thursday, 6 March 2008


As we have said before we decided to use Elvis's Love Me Tender, as a primary sound track to the film, of which it would also share its title.
We have also added static to the beginning, which we found after a short search on Google. Although it come from a radio, rather than a vinyl, the effect is pretty much the same, and although not authentic, we thought it had a more menacing sound that adds to the abstract uncertainty.
